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Day 82 - Rowing West again

Friday, July 10th, 2009

Andrew and Guy are now rowing in a good solid westerley direction.  Mood on board remains good.  Great to see Flying Ferkins at 938nm until finish and heading towards 70 longitude.  Conditions look fine for the weekend ahead.

Please everyone keep those positive comments coming in !

Distance made West:

Thursday 9th July: -6

Friday 10th July:   25

Tom out

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Day 81 - Game of cards anyone ?

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

It’s been pretty boring!  Watched Miami Vice. It is cloudy so using up batteries. Played cards which Gemma gave us, a game called sh*t Head!!!  Talking throughout the day.  I am reading Bill Bryson book on Australia which is good and I have finished it. Still quite warm in this area which makes it more enjoyable.

Thanks Caroline Watts for the poem it was really nice and I am trying to use your methods which you went through with me. I use it to calm myself on a daily basis.

The Captains Club Hotel  - we hope the Mudeford Funday Race went well.  Sorry we weren’t there to support you! We will try and come along next year?  Helen, thanks for your message and we hope you are enjoying being safely back in England and not rowing! Claire and the team from Local Web Solutions - thank you for your messages of support.

Joe, happy to discuss your Atlantic row over a few beers when we get home as long as you buy some team MSS clothing!

Thanks Fiona Watts - can’t wait to meet up in London on our return in London.  Please all look at Sarah Outen’s site. She has done nearly 100 days at sea.  Congratulations for your amazing efforts Sarah.

Jess, sadly we haven’t caught any fish but we are both looking forward to one of your lasagne’s when we get back.

Cheers guys, thanks a lot.  Cheers!

Guy out.

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Day 80 - Hanging around

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

Andrew and Guy continue to “hang out” under the para anchor in difficult local conditions. The boys are planning to move North West when conditions allow rowing. Considering the circumstances Flying Ferkins remains a happy boat.

Current depth 2500metres.

Thank you for the great comments. If you have any good pub quiz style questions please post them on the comments. A little mind stimulation would be well received. 

Distance made West:

Weds 8th  -4nm

Tom out.

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Day 79 - Slowly, slowly…..

Tuesday, July 7th, 2009

Still frustrating conditions preventing Flying Ferkins from making Westerley direction.  Andrew and Guy are using the para anchor when necessary.  Hopefully the wind will reduce over the next few days.  Given the slow process at the moment the boys are really enjoying your comments.  Thank you to everyone for your continued support.

Distance made West: Tues 7th 15nm.

Tom out.

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Day 78 - 1000nm to finish!

Monday, July 6th, 2009

Moods and attitude remain upbeat onboard Flying Ferkins under the adverse current. Another major milestone broken today as their distance to finish is 1000nm. Although making a westerley direction isn’t easy they have managed to claw some back. They are sitting at 74 degree’s longitude. Weather ahead for the week looking better.

Distance made West:

Tues 30th 50 nm 
Weds 1st 49nm
Thurs 2nd 16nm
Fri 3rd  4nm
Sat 4th  17nm
Sun 5th  -1nm
Mon 6th  12nm

Please, please keep the comments coming bloggers. If you haven’t blogged for a while then let’s see some action.

Tom out

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Day 77 - Orchid guest blog

Sunday, July 5th, 2009

We are so thrilled that Guy and Andrew have taken on this incredible challenge in aid of Orchid. Orchid is the UK’s leading charity existing to save men’s lives from testicular, prostate and penile cancers through pioneering research and promoting awareness.

When the call came through and the boys said they were going to take on ‘the world’s toughest ocean rowing race’ in aid of Orchid we felt very honoured. Having spent some time learning more about it, what we learnt was overwhelming, that this would involve over three months of rowing 3,780 nautical miles, across treacherous water and weather systems.

We have been following the guys and cannot believe how well they seem to be coping and doing. We are really looking forward to welcoming them back to the Orchid office and hearing about all their tales at sea.

Once again we cannot thank the boys enough for their continued support and raising funds for Orchid. Not only is this a once in a lifetime challenge but they are doing it for an amazing cause.

Take care and we hope you enjoy the last bit of your trip. Wishing you lots of luck and a safe arrival home.

Caz and the Orchid team out.

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Day 76 - Making progress…………

Saturday, July 4th, 2009

Well what can I say, we are making progress going west fighting our way across the southerly winds and moving in the right direction.

It was good to talk to Southern Cross, it’s quite amazing how close we are to them in this huge ocean!  We WILL get past them, just need to keep niggling away at them.

It was great to talk to the lads James, Stephen and Russ last week, really amazing.

I’ve been told that they let the men take off their jackets at Henley on Thursday as the temperature headed into the 30’s. Amazing doesn’t happen very often.   I hope the sun will still be shining when we get back!  Guy and I will have our own Doubles match in honour of Andy Murray reaching the semi’s at Wimbledon.

Thank you everyone for all your support it really is keeping us going out here.  Here’s to the last 1000!!

Andrew out.

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Day 75 - Thank you

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

Friday 3rd July. Press play to start. I am delighted to report that Paragon Software Systems have just doubled their contribution to the Orchid charity fund!  Says Paragon MD, Will Salter, “We are so impressed with what Andy and Guy have achieved so far in incredibly difficult circumstances - they fully deserve the extra contribution we have made to the Orchid charity on their behalf.  They are now well past the half way mark, but there’s still a long way to go and we’ll keep monitoring their progress as they get ever closer to the finishing line. “Bloggers, keep those positive comments, questions, jokes, comments coming_!

Guy out

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Day 74 - Obligatory weekly Para-anchor!

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

What day is it? oh yes it’s Thursday! We are on the obligatory once a week para-anchor!!  We have been going north instead of east it’s not much fun but the wind should be turning to our favour in the next day or two and we can get back into rowing.

Southern Cross called us out of the blue yesterday we asked them what their weather situation was and they are in a similar  situation to us.  We are all in good spirits despite the frustrations.

We have also spoken with Sarah Outen which is great and she is well.

Yeh it’s all pretty good at the moment not a lot to report can’t think of much else to say - but hope to be getting along soon and hope we’ll be at the 1000 nm mark and really can’t wait to get to Mauritius.

Andrew out

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Day 73 - The Naked Truth

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009

It’s an amazing feeling being 10 weeks at sea. Scarey how you can spend so much time on such a small craft. Nice feeling as it comes towards an end, definately different feeling onboard the boat given the end point is now in sight. Really pushing hard. Pleasure to speak with Sarah Outen (everytime we speak with her!). Given us some good helpful advice. She is quite an inspirational person, please look at her website. She will be the first female to cross the Indian Ocean, an incredible feat in itself. Watched James Bond movie ‘The World Is Not Enough’ which was cool. Good to get some time away from things. Sores coming back for an encore, big white heads abosolutely disgusting. Found a couple more apple crumbles, apple pies and lucozade bars. Nice to find these stashed away. Last day of June and hitting 2000nm was a nice feeling. Next big target is to clear the 1000nm to Mauritius marker. Always working out statistics in my head, thanks for that dad.

I’m having to row naked because of the sores, fair to say it’s not a pretty site. Amazing day today beautiful weather, planning on cracking into some Haribo tonight! Andy & I planning on speaking to Helen (rower on boat 88 Aud Eamus) tonight as well. She became good friends of ours in Australia. Helped fatten us up with chocolate & doughnuts. Right guys thanks alot for your support. Looking forward to seeing you. Neil, we will be back in time! Cheers Greg, take care Tom and see you later on.

Guy Out

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.