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Archive for March, 2009

In Perth

Sunday, March 29th, 2009

Well the flight from Sydney to Perth only took 4 hours so arrived early yesterday (Saturday) with Simon a friend of the Pascoe household whoi is kindly putting us up for the next few days.

Thanks again to Simon & Jules back in Sydney for their kind hospitality and for showing us around we really did have a fantastic time there and only wished we could have stayed longer! Definaltey a place I want to come back too…. Sarah? It was also great to meet up with our school friend Emma at Bondi Beech on Friday, we did the coastal walk all the way to Coogee Bay which was amazing. It’s always nice to see a familiar face when your so far from home!

Coogee Bay

Simon & Jules Manley

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, our chosen charity.

Just landed in Sydney

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

We had a good flight out to Aus courtesy of our good friend Andy at Virgin via Hong Kong and arrived in good time. Jules & Simon picked us up at the airport who we are staying with in Mosman for a couple of days before heading on to Perth. Now off to get some breakfast and see the sights so will be back soon!


We have take off…

Tuesday, March 24th, 2009

Both Andrew & Guy have now left the UK and are heading for Hong Kong. After a short stop they depart for Sydney !  Emotional day for all involved.

Looking forward to a few comments on the blog from now on in.

Tom out

Australia here we come!!!

Monday, March 23rd, 2009

So we have now got flights confirmed and will be heading to Australia tomorrow evening. Thanks for all the messages of support so far - it really helps.

We were interviewed by Mercury, a local radio station two weeks ago. See our press page to hear the interview and click here to see info on their site.

Keep signing up to the blog and get commenting… 

Guy out

Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, our chosen charity.

Rowing, rowing, rowing…

Friday, March 20th, 2009

A little bit of a stressful day sorting out flights and other things to do with the race but at least we know when we’re flying… Tuesday I think? Went for a walk today down to the river to get away from it all only to find it’s the Head of the River Race tomorrow! Also saw the Cambridge Crew out training, looking pretty good ahead of next weeks boat race and I reckon they may just take the crown away from the dark blues this year.


So enough of the rowing, it’s my last weekend in the UK and it will be spent packing up the house and making sure the support team know what their supposed to be doing while we’re away - oh what fun! Bring on Heathrow airport that’s what I say.

As guy would say, ‘Andrew out’

30 Days to go..

Thursday, March 19th, 2009

Spent the morning making changes to the website with the help of SP Web connections, John, Stephen and Nicola. Watch this space for the google map that will feature on the home page and allow you to follow our progress.

Andrew and I then took some more clothes around to local pubs in an attempt to sell the last few items. Thanks goes out to Jacky from the White Horse Inn, Storrington and David from the Boars Head, Horsham who are helping to distribute as much as possible for us whilst we are away. If you can help us to sell the last few items then please give us a shout.

Great to see Sarah Outen, a solo rower doing so well on her first week in the Indian Ocean - keep up the good work. 

Guy out.

31 Days to go

Wednesday, March 18th, 2009

Packing up the house today. Not long now until we depart for Australia.

Weigh in today - 17 St 10lbs.

 Bring on the king of fatty.. 

 Guy out.

33 Days to go!

Monday, March 16th, 2009

So with 33 days to go before the big race i’m feeling pretty anxious. Just want to get out to Australia and finish off the last few prep bits now. Whilst we are away we will be blogging as much as we can so if you all start to sign up now and get involved that will be great. You will also be able to track our progress through our home page once the race begins.

Thats Guy out…

Business Builders Networking Events

Thursday, March 12th, 2009

The last two Wednesdays has seen us present our Indian Ocean challenge at the Business Builders Club. It started back in 2006 and has now become firmly established as a key networking event in the calender of local businesses. We are looking to get the support of local businesses for the race as we plan to build on already existing sponsors from the Sussex area. We have good links with local press and look to  utilise the opportunities for both us and anyone thinking of getting on-board.   

Last week we talked at Pizza Express in Horsham to over 30 ’networkers’ and had great response, one being a donation from DAB Hands of Horsham & Worthing. We also talked in Crawley this week and again had some really good feedback. We would like to thank Tim Fifield & Greg Rhodes  from the business Builders Club for giving us this opportunity and everyone who attended for their support.




Photos courtesy of Andrea Sarlo

Photo Shoot

Thursday, March 5th, 2009

On Tuesday morning we had a photo shoot at Visions Photography in Horley by Linda Sillence, who spent over an hour with us getting new photos for the website with us wearing our new Adidas eye-wear and various clothing. These will be added to the website over the next week. We were both quite nervous to start with, as neither of us are very natural in front of the camera. However, once Andrew had been snapped a few times he started to work the camera and was enjoying himself so much that at the end I couldn’t get him to leave! No, only joking, it was good fun even with some of the cheesy shots we had taken! 


 Thanks again to Linda for her time and use of the studio, we would definitely recommend her to anyone who is looking to have a professional photo shoot, please click on the logo below to see the website.

Visions Photography