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Day 31 - Thank you for your support!

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Click here to donate money for the fight against the spread of male cancers and support Orchid, the boys chosen charity.

To follow our progress please go to the official Woodvale Challenge site.

Guy out

(A chance the boys will get a shout out on Capital Radio (Roberto) tomorrow between 1-4pm)

9 Responses to “Day 31 - Thank you for your support!”

  1. John Leiper Says:

    Each night Gloria and I sit in-front of the laptop chanting ‘ROW ROW ROW’, taking it in turns to click the refresh button and track your progress across the HIGH SEAS!!! Sometimes it takes many hours (we’re usually quite drunk by this stage) for the info to update but when it does……PARTY! We take down the new co-ordinates and then get up and move the pin a few fractions of a inch to the left on the massive naval map we have on our wall.


    Batton down the Hatches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Grow a Crusoe Beard!

    Good luck

    John and Gloria

  2. trumpet Says:

    Boys….interested to know how you decide when it’s safe to hoist the anchor and start rowing again when the storm has passed/is passing?

    Hope you manage to get back on it early doors and get a bit of a jump start on the other ‘pair’. Speaking of pairs, it’s quite busy in the gym tonight (waaaa haaaa). Lovely job.

    Champions of England (again), hopefully Champions of Europe (again) next week.

    If you have any support crew etc that are Australian…worth starting a bit of banter about the cricket. England on a roll and the nation are bang up for it. 49 days to go I think.

    Take care of yourselves and each other…you’re like sisters to me!

    Trumpet xx

  3. rossiteryachts Says:

    Hello A & G
    We’ve been following your progress with enormous admiration. Hope the storm passes without too much hassle.
    All our good wishes
    Charlie, Cris, Alex and all the team.

  4. JoRossi Says:

    Yea ha! Keep going boys! Great to see how well you’re doing.
    An IQ test? That should come back with interesting results. Never as high as mine though.

    Thought you might be interested to know that not only have I signed up to do the London Half in Sept, but am also doing it through Orchid. Though you’re rowing mission does put my running attempt to shame!

    Neil, Kat and I are thinking about running the London Marathon next year - game????

    Keep up the rowing boys!
    Love Little Jo xxx

  5. jamesgubb Says:

    Jo, I’d be up for it!! Glad to see even being out in the middle of the ocean doesn’t stop Watts begging for money, haha!! Though this one does have an incentive for everyone - you can win big!

    Anyone interested in guessing a time, or, even better, sending the thing around their office to get even more people to guess a time pls email me at jdgubb@gmail.com.

    Keep it up boys.

  6. JeremyChristey Says:

    Exactly how on message is he exactly?


  7. Click Link Says:

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