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A successful 10 days at the Boat Show

Sunday came and the sun started to set over the harbour as the show came to a close, it seemed a life time ago that we were rowing the boat around Southampton marina and mooring up the boat next to the largest of the Sunseekers on show. Reflecting back we had a fantastic 10 days, the weather, the people and the experience that both of us have enjoyed was well worth the long hours.

Thanks to all that helped us on the various days throughout the exhibition and for those who stepped in while we were otherwise engaged with commitments elsewhere, the show wouldn’t have been such a success for us without you.

So the boat is back at Rossiters and it’s back to the monotony of our day jobs as the boat show has finally come to an end; both of us exhausted but content in a good job well done. However, with less than seven months to go until the start of the race the pressure has stepped up and we need to push on with raising the sponsorship still required, although still quietly confident that all can be achieved.

This quote by Anatole France to me sums up the whole project and is to be our motivation to get us to the start line in April,

‘To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe’

leaving the boat show

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